Jacksonville, NC 28540-5723
Voice Mail/FAX (910) 938-3654
Telephone (910) 455-3178
The charges for title abstracting in Onslow County, North Carolina, are as follows:
$ 55.00
Limited Title Search (Current Owner, normally refinancing or second mortgage)
$ 85.00
Full Title Search (30 years, as required by title insurance companies)
Full Title Search (65 years, as required by the Veterans Administration, Federal Housing Authority, etc.)
$ 20.00 per hour:
Time for title searches for 30 years and 65 years are normally three hours and six hours, respectively.
Any time over those are charged at this rate.
These charges include an Abstract and Chain of Title; copies of each warranty deed; the first page and signature pages of any outstanding deeds of trust, and separate description page (if any); and the latest assignment of deed of trust (if any).
Created: October 10, 1997; Current Update: April 26, 2003.