Welcome to the web site for the Reader's Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos (RGttCM). For those who are unfamiliar with this publication, which was originally published in 1969 and 1973, you may want to peruse the RGttCM's history.
For those new visitors to this page, who are also new to the Cthulhu Mythos, we are pleased to link to the Cthulhu Mythos FAQ, compiled by Daniel Harms. Therein you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Cthulhu Mythos. On the same web site is Daniel's "The Necronomicon Files."
This web site is for all readers, writers, artists, composers, editors, and publishers -- anyone with an interest in H.P. Lovecraft's creation, the Cthulhu Mythos. Admittedly, this is not Lovecraft's name for the background lore within his stories, but it is the name most commonly recognized as describing the type of stories we are interested in reading or writing.
The primary purpose of the RGttCM web site is to direct the readers to other stories that they may find of interest. Its secondary purpose is to solicit information from the creators, editors, and publishers. This information will be featured in the listings and in the eventual third edition of the RGttCM. As we hear from people about their work or their working with the creators, the information will be added to this site so that you can be aware of what is available and what is coming out in the near future. We would appreciate any comments or suggestions you may have concerning this web site. We would also like to know if you intend to obtain a copy of the RGttCM when it is finally published, what format you would prefer it to be in -- hard copy or on CD-ROM.
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Created: February 21, 1997; Current Update: May 3, 2003