Ech-Pi-El’s: The Colour Out of Space
Franklyn Searight
I'm just a simple farmer chap
Who tills the fertile land,
And milks the cows and slops the pigs
And does the chores at hand.
The terror came one stormy night --
From out the sky it fell --
A rock from some strange, distant world
That just missed Nahum's well.
A living presence issued forth,
A "colour" fresh from space,
To dwell within the tainted shaft,
But nightly leave its place.
The vegetation there abouts,
Changed daily, just a little,
As living things were poisoned 'till
They turned both grey and brittle.
Poor Nahum lost his cows and hogs,
His three sons and his wife;
And then the glowing "colour" took
The luckless farmer's life.
A reservoir now floods that site
Of land so foully cursed.
I wouldn't taste its water, though,
Unless you drink it first!
© 1999 Edward P. Berglund
"Lovecraftian Cliff Notes for Ech-Pi-El’s: The Colour Out of Space": © 1999 Franklyn Searight. All rights reserved.
Graphic © 1999 Erebus Graphic Design. All rights reserved. Email to: James V. Kracht.
Created: December 5, 1999; Updated: August 9, 2004