Ron Shiflet
Upon a high cliff the ancient house stood
Empty of all but a worm-eaten book
An evil old tome, could do no one good
Hiking one day I decided to look
Into the ruins I went without fear
What harm could there be inside an old book?
Turning the pages I sensed something near
Window panes rattled and old floorboards shook
Visions of something that dreamed 'neath the sea
Sent chills up my spine and curdled my soul
I saw our world as He'd have it to be
Pray that this god not achieve his dark goal
Nightmares of Cthulhu now plague my sleep
Under his reign we'd be slaughtered like sheep.
© 1997 Edward P. Berglund
"The Book in the House": © 1997 Ron Shiflet. All rights reserved.
Graphics © 1997 Old Arkham Graphics Design. All rights reserved. Email to: Corey T. Whitworth.
Created: December 2, 1997; Updated: August 9, 2004