Golf Pro
Franklyn Searight
I daily tend the greens at Innsmouth's course,
Then work the pro-shop, mostly one to five.
If time, I'll show a duffer how to putt
Or help him straighten out his crooked drive.
The natives with their awkward fingers just
Can't grip, as others do, the irons right.
So when they swing -- watch out -- they often miss,
And it's the club they're using that takes flight.
But when they do connect, that golf ball soars
Six hundred yards, at least, above the land.
Salt marshes, tidal creeks, sedge grass, pass by
Before it stops, beyond the green, in sand!
© 1997 Edward P. Berglund
"Folks of Innsmouth: Golf Pro": © 1997 Franklyn Searight. All rights reserved.
Graphics © 1997 Old Arkham Graphics Design. All rights reserved. Email to: Corey T. Whitworth.
Created: September 18, 1997; Updated: August 9, 2004